BiPlex AU Product Review
- 06/16/2020
BiPlex AU is a two fibre product, extruded to 17,000 and 16,000 dtex respectively. The two different fibres – AeroX and Ultimate, have their own functions and strengths. AeroX is a heavyweight yarn with a solid profile, designed for its exceptional resilience, whilst Ultimate is a wider blade with a central spine, designed to offer a fuller appearance and a softer feel.
Micro-Plastics Ban
- 06/17/2020
On June 3rd, 2020, the European Commission held a meeting to decide the fate of polymeric infill, used in synthetic turf sport surfaces. The two options under scrutiny were: Option A – to contain infill within the boundaries of a pitch, ensuring that annual release of micro-plastics remains below 7g per pitch/per year.
Superb 45
- 06/25/2020
Superb 45 synthetic turf is a real heavy weight (1600g per sqm), premier football surface, offering superior play characteristics when installed onto a performance shock pad, to provide the ultimate football performance.
Gravesham and Wellcome Pitch Update
- 06/10/2020
When Gravesham Sports Trust decided that their partly sub-sided 20 year old hockey pitch needed replacing, they decided to choose a FastPro HF18 surface from FIH Preferred Supplier, CCGrass.
The Importance of Infill
- 06/10/2020
Getting the infill right in the first place and keeping it that way offers you the best chance to ensure your synthetic surface will play to its best. To start on a positive note, when most synthetic turf pitches are properly installed and maintained, the infill is working as it was designed to.
But, is yours?
CCGrass supplies first PRT field to Europe
- 06/03/2020
When the City of Den Haag, the Netherlands, selected the new CCGrass PRT backing for their latest football field, they did so knowing that the entire field was recyclable, at end of life.
PRT® Series
- 06/03/2020
PRT® series is a 100% recyclable artificial grass launched by CCGrass which is dramatically characterized by 100% recyclable, super water permeability and strong tuftlock.
CCGrass Product Selector
- 05/28/2020
Here is our CCGrass product selector guide which helps to determine what pitch is right for you, from the criteria that you provide us with.
Corpus Christi Primary School Pitch Update
- 05/20/2020
At the beginning of last year, March 2019, Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School reached out to Notts Sport, a specialist pitch company for sport, play and leisure, to develop a multi-sports area for its pupils.
Stemgrass EX2 Product Review
- 05/20/2020
Stemgrass EX2 is a specially designed rugby system, designed to be installed over shock pads to provide a great rugby performance. The longer Stemgrass fibres provide a “green” top, whilst the curly yarn (“thatch”) further down in the turf, stabilises the infill layer, at the base of the turf.